
Doomwire is a Lobby-driven Multiplayer client for Chocolate-Doom.

It provides players with a central point to set up multiplayer cooperative or deathmatch games (either LAN or Internet based)
aswell as an environment for players to chat.

Latest Beta: 0.2 Beta9
NOTE: You'll need the latest Chocolate-Doom to use Doomwire and you'll need to unblock a UDP port (default is: 2342) on your router if you are hosting games.
Chocolate-Doom is still under development, contact the Author (fraggle) if you find any bugs while using it.
27 Dec 2006 - Did you think you would see the last of me?!


Excerpt from changelog:

[Y*] Removal of Dedicated option from host game window (its removed permanently now)
[Y*] Removal of fraglimit from host game window, chocolate-doom (and vanilla) don't have the option
[Y*] Update timelimit to user -timer rather than -timelimit (it was a zdoom CLI argument)
[Y*] Fix Oldsync overwriting the Dedicated param (which now does not exist anymore)
[Y*] Add nomonster and monsters respawn option in host game window
[Y*] Fix a mistake of 1 pwad file only being loaded
[Y*] Replace Items respawn checkbox with a "Deathmatch 2.0" option in host game window
[Y*] Position widgets nicely in host game window
[Y*] Added Skill 0 support (this means that monsters, items and decorations will NOT appear in game)

EDIT: if you downloaded this version earlier before seeing this message, please redownload it, the "older" version won't be able to connect.
by Russell (0 comments)


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