
Doomwire is a Lobby-driven Multiplayer client for Chocolate-Doom.

It provides players with a central point to set up multiplayer cooperative or deathmatch games (either LAN or Internet based)
aswell as an environment for players to chat.

Latest Beta: 0.2 Beta9
NOTE: You'll need the latest Chocolate-Doom to use Doomwire and you'll need to unblock a UDP port (default is: 2342) on your router if you are hosting games.
Chocolate-Doom is still under development, contact the Author (fraggle) if you find any bugs while using it.
15 Sep 2005 - Removed old downloads..
because people weren't smart enough to NOT download the older versions, which has major flaws, the sourcecode has also been removed because noone will want to touch it anyway.

I am not working on the project anymore, but the website will hopefully remain here for what ever reason.

I am working with a team who is developing something far superior.
by Russell (0 comments)


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