
Doomwire is a Lobby-driven Multiplayer client for Chocolate-Doom.

It provides players with a central point to set up multiplayer cooperative or deathmatch games (either LAN or Internet based)
aswell as an environment for players to chat.

Latest Beta: 0.2 Beta9
NOTE: You'll need the latest Chocolate-Doom to use Doomwire and you'll need to unblock a UDP port (default is: 2342) on your router if you are hosting games.
Chocolate-Doom is still under development, contact the Author (fraggle) if you find any bugs while using it.
14 Aug 2006 - Chocolate-Doom
Anarkavre has built a new svn revision of chocolate-doom, which fixes some minor game issues aswell as making sure music plays properly.

A new installer has been created aswell, download it from the link the the header or downloads section of this site.

Doomwire has been dead, yes, its obvious from the lack of updates.
Reason being is that my course is a real time consumer, I've been learning a shitload of C lately too, the real mind workout is this COBOL language, which I think is useless nowadays (do you think businesses still use it? :P).

There probably won't be any updates for a while, unless I can unglue myself from my other project, check it here.

by Russell (0 comments)


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