
Doomwire is a Lobby-driven Multiplayer client for Chocolate-Doom.

It provides players with a central point to set up multiplayer cooperative or deathmatch games (either LAN or Internet based)
aswell as an environment for players to chat.

Latest Beta: 0.2 Beta9
NOTE: You'll need the latest Chocolate-Doom to use Doomwire and you'll need to unblock a UDP port (default is: 2342) on your router if you are hosting games.
Chocolate-Doom is still under development, contact the Author (fraggle) if you find any bugs while using it.
22 Jan 2007 - New version
Doomwire-02beta9-bin.zip has been released.

Changelog excerpt:
[Y+] Addition of Demo Playback support, using it is quite simple, check the Doomwire menu for it.
[Y*] Resort the list on channel user mode changes (from voice/op to voice/op etc)
[Y*] Allow /clear and easter eggs to be used without being connected.
[Y*] All windows/dialogs should be now central to the main window when opened.
[Y*] Shrink Host Game window so it will take up less screen space, same goes for config window

Not many changes this build and the following ones, I'm basically cleaning up Doomwire so I can get it to 0.2 release.

As a side-note, Odamex has had 0.1 alpha released, go check it out if you're into client/server gaming aswell! :)

PS. This website needs fixing in areas, I know.
by Russell (0 comments)


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